I know I know, I've neglectied my little blog so much the past few days/ weeks, but I've been busy doing my dissertation, anyway, here are a few things I've been getting up to.

You can now buy my work from the WeAreBirmingham store, I've got some cards, badges and mugs in there, so if you're in the Birmingham area make sure to check it out.

I've also finally put something on Esty, I screen printed 50 cards about a month ago with all proceeds going to help Japan, but because I've been so busy I've only just managed to put them online, so click here to buy one, If anyones reading this and would like to re-blog that would be lovely

I've finaly finished screenprinting my book about the Sex Dungeon in Lee Mill, (pictures to come) heres a little image inspired about an article I read about a lady who was a Phone Sex Opereator, unfortunatly though I've managed to draw myself

my biggest fear confirmed about sex phone operators lying to me. all that money!